Wednesday, June 11, 2008

bran: butte to creighton

after a demoralizing battle with headwinds on tuesday, we decided to get an early start on the 75 mile ride to creighton. early birds get to see larry on the road i guess! this was the only time i ran into him during the whole trip. and he still made it into town before us because we decided to jump off route and hit up verdigre for some poppy seed kolaches. verdigre, the kolache capitol of the world, is a lovely town tucked into the niobrara river valley.

i was mentally preparing myself for another long and tedious ride when we started out with headwinds leaving butte. then amazingly these black and ominous clouds rolled in from the west, the wind turned in one huge gust that pushed me and every other rider i was with all the way across the road and suddenly the wind was at our backs and we were flying! it was so much fun. and we stayed ahead of the storm all day. we made it to creighton four hours earlier than our arrival in butte the day before!
the tailwind tended to bunch the riders up somehow. at the aid stations instead of the typical ten or so people standing around there were closer to fifty. all the bran old-timers kept commenting that they'd never seen it like that. everyone was in high spirits though.

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