Wednesday, April 23, 2008


i had my first marathon dream in the early morning just before my alarm went off. started with me running the route before the race just to make sure i was comfortable with it, then almost missing the race because i spent too much time pre-racing. i couldn't find my running partner, forgot to eat and wasn't wearing the right clothes. it was very stressful.

i hope this isn't a recurring theme for the next week and a half!

unrelated to my marathon dream, a conversation at the bar last night in which we were discussing drunken mishaps of days long gone (mainly pass-outs and make-outs) reminded me of this story which deserves to be recorded. one drunken evening in cambridge, ma i was walking home past the harvard football stadium with an equally if not more intoxicated friend. noticing a loosely padlocked gate, we decided it would be a lot of fun to run around on the football field, so we did. then we decided it would be a lot more fun to run around the football field naked, so we did that too.
possibly the theme of my next marathon dream will include running naked down capital ave.

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